Sorry that I have not updated in a while. I have been busy traveling the United States. Since my last update I have traveled to the Southern, Western, and Eastern coasts of the US.
About two weeks ago I headed down to Orange Beach, AL

(just west of Gulf Shores) for Hope's

spring break. Liz has a condo on the ocean there and her parents were kind enough to let us stay there for a week. However, it was not just Liz and myself;
BT and Troy (for those of you who do not know them, I played football with both of them at home and I lived with
BT for part of a summer. Also, you

should probably feel bad for Liz). We spent the entirety of the week hanging on the beach, fishing, and doing a little shopping. Troy and
BT did more fishing
n Liz and I but I did get some line in the water. I managed to catch a dinky little bait fish (equivalent to a small bluegill...) it is a spring break curse that has haunted me since Spring Break '06 (
Tennessee and Georgia). I really would rather not discuss the curse. All four of us managed to get a
pretty terrible burn; we were all peeling within three days of being there. The weather was great and it was fun to get away.
Liz's parents and
grandparents did so much for all of us and we are all extremely thankful for all they did! So, if you are reading, thanks from all of us!
PICS: All of us at dinner for
BT's birthday, Troy and his vicious Bluefish,
BT and Troy with a Catfish, and the last two are Lizzie and I!

Last Friday I flew out to San
Francisco for the interview I have been talking about with Greenpeace. Judy, Jeff's girlfriend, picked my up from the airport on Friday around 1:00 p.m.. She took me downtown to get a bite to eat and to show me the town. After showing me around for a couple of hours we went to Jeff's house to relax until Jeff got off of work. I took these first two pictures a short distance from Jeff's house.
Saturday I got up early to head to my interview, which was very tough! There were 60 of us interviewing for about 22

positions. First, we were split up into 4 groups, as there were four different stages of the interview. My groups first task was to head to the streets to try and get people to sign a postcard to their Congressperson. I was able to get 14 people to fill out the postcard which I was happy with.
Next, our group participated in the Campaign Strategy portion of the day. We were given two scenarios to work through; the first with guidance and the second without guidance. I wish I would have taken more charge here. I was really hesitant to lead because I did not want to be overbearing. I probably would have been better served to err on the side of controlling. I felt as though I had some important input but probably not as much leadership as I should have shown.
After this portion of the day it was time for lunch! Three field organizers (which is the position I applied for) shared some of their experiences with us. It was
laid back and fun. Greenpeace supplied the lunch for us.
Our third task was public speaking! This is where I felt as though I could have done much better. First, our
task was related to one-on-one situations. For example, I had to convince the Editor or the local newspaper to write an editorial on my position regarding the upcoming proposal for universal
health care for our state. I was really unsure of how to approach this. The person we were speaking to did not respond or do anything other than sit there and listen. I felt as though I was not very articulate in this task. The next part of public speaking was oriented toward larger groups. My scenario was to speak to a biology class at a local college about an event that Greenpeace was holding. I was trying to inspire them to come and participate. I did well, I think, but I could have done better.
The final section of the day consisted of two final interviews. I really enjoyed these because it allowed me to show them who I was and what I was about, without having to worry about scenarios and what others were doing. I enjoyed this portion more than the previous to and equally enjoyable to the
postcarding. I had fun
postcarding because I was able to meet people; I felt good about the interview because I liked discussing why I was there and I was reminded of my desire for social justice.
After the interview was FINALLY over we all went across the street for some drinks. I had two glasses of Anchor Steam, a very tasty local brew! All of the people who participated in the day (the applicants and the employees) came to the bar. It was a great way to loosen up after an extremely duelling day.
Overall, the day was a very valuable experience. I had never been through such a demanding interview. I wish I had had the experience of a similar interview before because I feel as though I could have stood out in a large crowd. Unfortunately, I did not get the job. I think my lack of experience hurt me. BUT, I did gain a great deal of knowledge from the experience. Also, I met a lot of cool people and got a free flight to San Francisco.
Jeff and Judy left for their spring break Saturday night, leaving my by myself. Sunday I hitched a ride with Jeff's roommate downtown. I spent the day exploring the city and doing a little shopping. All-in-all, I probably walked for a good 6 hours. When I got home I was exhausted, but it was an enjoyable day.
Here are some pics of the city! (Chinatown, Union Square, the Bay Bridge)

The trip home was interesting, to say the least. My plane sat on the runway for an hour and a half to seal a break in the plane. Then, my flight from Denver to GR was cancelled because of mechanical reasons. The only flight they could switch me to was a full 24 hours later. So, they switched flights for me. I flew from Denver to
Newark, NJ and from NJ to GR. But, I had a 6 hour layover in Denver. My flight left from Denver an hour and a half late which put a bit of a jump in my step once we landed. I was able to make my connection in time to land in GR around 9 a.m. the next day. Once landed, I arrived to cold and snowy weather, along with lost luggage. However, I had prepared myself for the fact that my luggage would be lost. I was happy that all of this occurred on the way home and not the way out.
I made it back to my cousin's house to take a nap and get my car. I headed to Holland to see Lizzie, my coaches (who I had not seen in a long time) and Troy and Joey. Overall, I have had a great time since my last update.