Monday, November 17, 2008


What a fun weekend! It started off with a half day of school on Friday. I still saw my fair of "disruptive" students but it was an easy day of work. We had a little staff lunch and then I went home to wait for Justin to arrive. There was very little excitement between getting home from work and Justin getting home. When Justin finally did make it the first thing I looked at was his tattoo. I like it, it definitely looks better in person than it does through a picture text.

We did not do much Friday, rented some video games and a couple of movies. We went to be relatively early; I was tired from a long week and Justin from driving.

Saturday I woke up early and went and played basketball with some of the guys I coach/work with. My mom made some really awesome omelets and then we played more video games and watched college football.

Saturday night family came over for games, snacks, and drinks. We played "A Game of Things," or something like that. There is a 'topic card' that says "Things you shouldn't do with glue," or "Things you would like to be able to do when your 85," then everyone writes a response and people try to guess who wrote what. It is a mix of Apples to Apples and Balderdash. We all had a great time with the game.

After that, our friend Zac, Justin, and myself went out to the bar for a couple of drinks and headed to our friend Betsy's house to hang out. We left at 4:30 am and went home to sleep! (Don't worry I wasn't drinking so I drove).

Sunday, I slept in and played hockey.

All-in-all it was an entertaining weekend. This week is a full week and next week I work a half day on Monday and Tuesday then we have a short Thanksgiving break! Should be fun.


Unknown said...

Hey Josh, Did Justin ever find his anal creme? Who won the hockey game? Did anyone score any short handed goals? If so, who scored them? Just wondering. Take Care.

Josh Thorington said...

Haha, we won the hockey game 7-2. And you had 2 goals, one being short handed. Do not sleep with your mouth open.